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Congratulations to Chicago A (Subash Maddipoti, Andrew Yaphe, Chris Zimpleman, Ryan Scranton) for winning ACF Midwest Regionals 2002. The order of finish among the sixteen teams was:

  1. Chicago A ("Ed Cohn: Mildly Malevolent Bitch")
  2. Michigan A
  3. Kentucky A
  4. Chicago B ("Ed Cohn: Supergenius")
  5. Michigan B
  6. Illinois A ("Measured, Focused Rage")
  7. Carleton A
  8. Illinois B ("Blind Rage")
  9. Michigan C
  10. Iowa State
  11. WUStL
  12. Chicago C ("Ed Cohn: Master of Wit")
  13. Iowa
  14. Carleton B
  15. Kentucky B
  16. IIT

Stats are available here. A note on the stats: Michigan C and Wash. U. each received credit for one win by forfeit which is not shown. The order on the team statistics display also does not reflect the final finishing order.

Many thanks to the moderators and other people who helped out, as well as the ACF powers-that-be, for making this a smoothly run and enjoyable tournament.