Really Old Pictures

Click on the pictures for the full-size versions. People listed from left to right.

DSHIT 2000: Jeff Bennett and the leg of Leah Williams.

DSHIT 2000: Leah Williams, Ben Recchie, Sam Tobin-Hochstadt.

DSHIT 2000: Leah Williams, Susan Ferrari (behind the pole), Beth Hamlin, Sam Tobin-Hochstadt (?), Peter Onyisi, Paul Johnson, on a bus to Dulles Airport.

Illinois Junior Bird 2000: Beth Hamlin, Ryan Scranton.

NAQT Nationals 2001: Matt Reece.

CBI Nationals 2001: Jeff Bennett, Mike Altman, Amanda Butler, Peter Steffen, with second place trophy.

PACE? 2001: Stephanie Walker and Sigmund the Ikea Snake.

NAQT SCT 2002: Will Baude.

Cardinal Classic 2002: A schematic of a possible suicide of Matt Reece.

Cardinal Classic 2002: Ed Cohn pities the poor bozos who dare to touch his Newman-O's.

Some random practice in 2006: William Dix and David Seal wait for practice to begin.

Some random practice in 2006: A bag of cookies that Susan Ferrari brought to practice.

Penn Bowl 2007: William Dix strikes a pose.

Cardinal Classic 2008: Our team gathered outside a motel in kind-of sunny California.

ACF Nationals 2008: The B team. Chicago managed to successfully bookend this tournament. This team came in last place and the A team (who also avoided a team picture) won the tournament.
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