
The archive will simply be a yearly dump of images that are taken at almost every tournament and social event. Here's the 2023 - 2024 archive, arranged in reverse chronological order:

A massive success for this year's SARF!

Chicago A with a solid finish to wrap up this year's first tournament: NAQT Collegiate Novice

All three teams + staff for this year's ACF Fall

Chicago C at ILLIAC 2023

Chicago C mid-match at Penn Bowl 2023

B and C teams celebrating upper bracket placements at Penn Bowl 2023

This year's very special Chinatown social event!

Chicago A vs. Chicago B at ARCADIA 2023

Pilsen trip with the club

Chicago E vs. Chicago F at ACF Regionals 2024

Chicago's SCT Division I players (Chicago A won!)

Chicago's SCT Division II players (Chicago D won!)

Ice skating social event with some members of the club

Chicago A vs. Chicago B at MRNA Booster Shot 2024

Chicago A competing at the final for IQBT Undergraduate Championships

We sent a total of six teams to ICT 2024 (three per division)!

Four Chicago teams competed in ACF Nationals at Duke University

UChicago hosted and won ACRONYM 2024

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